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So much going on at Jackson Park!

May 24, 2015

Don’t miss out on the Eclectic Tournament which runs all summer long ( June 1st through August 31st). May 31st is the deadline for entry and the entry fee is only $10. Full details can be found at this link Eclectic Tournament.
You get up to 8 rounds per per front 9 and 8 rounds per back nine, and can play them any time or day of the week between 6/1 and 8/31. There will be prizes for front 9, back nine, and total 18 holes. Your “eclectic” score will be the cumulative best net score for each individual hole for all eligible rounds. Basically a one man Best Ball format with up to 8 chances to better your previous score on each individual hole.
Let’s say a 10 hdcp. shoots a first round score of 41 (net 36) front, 41 (net 36) back for a gross score of 82 (net 72). On hole #1 he got off to a rough start with a double bogey 7 ( net 6), and had a blow up hole on #12 with two lost balls and made a 9 ( net 8). The next time out he get’s off to a great start making birdie 4 ( net 3) on #1, and makes a par 5 ( net 4) on #12. All the other holes he shot the same score or worse than the first round.
His new Eclectic score would 33 front, 32 back. 65 total.
How low can you go? With Eclectic, your best net score on each hole is the one that counts. We could see scores in the 50s. You get eight chances (rounds) on each hole  for that lowest score.
Counter staff will assist you with scorecard for this new tournament.
June 1st is also the beginning of all divisions of Match Play. John is preparing the brackets now and I’ll post them on the website, and send out an email to all participants as soon as they are available. Good luck to all!
Next Up on our regular calendar is the 4th annual Jackson Park Classic, Saturday June 27th & Sunday June 28th, our 2 day 36 hole event. Gross and Net of the field each get their name on the trophy. Who will it be for 2015?
Divisional gross and net payouts will depend, as always, on the number of entrants. Since this is a trophy event it is not open to guests.
We had another great turn out for the 2-man last Saturday. Congratulations to Divsion 1 winners Daniel Lee & Jimmy Bucher and Division 2 winners John Clements & Brian Asplund. Both winning teams shot a net 61. Full results can be found here 2 Man Net Best Ball Results. Special acknowledgement for Jacobus Saperstein ( guest of Matthew Stutzenberger) on reaching #12 in 2 shots with a driver/ 5 iron, Very Impressive!
If you missed the last email, check the website for a list of upcoming Demo Days at the Jackson driving range. Remember that purchases count toward your Premier Points which give you discounts of up to 20% on merchandise, green fee’s, and cart rentals at all 13 Premier managed courses . Those discounts really add up over the course of the year.
If you haven’t yet met the new teaching staff Jon Larson, & Dave Boivin, stop in and say hi the next time you visit the range. They are both friendly, knowledgeable, experienced, and eager to help you get the most out of your game. Lessons can be booked by phone (206) 363-4747, email , or online . Instruction fee’s also count towards your Premier Points. If you’re serious about improving your game give these guys a shot!!!
I think that’s it for now.
Hit ’em long and straight!!!
Doug Nevins

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