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Revised First “Summer” Eclectic Results

August 18, 2016

Congratulations to Matthew Stutzenberger and Mitch Lewis, the leaders in their flights.

Money goes on the books.

Reminder – minimum two rounds, maximum 8 rounds, last day is August 14

First – $15   Second – $10     Third – $5

Flight 1
Name Rounds F / B Front 9 Back 9 18
Matthew Stutzenberger 5 / 5 26 26 52
Jeff Schoening 7 / 7 26 28 54
Jack Whelan 3 / 2 31 29 60
Don Harrell 4 / 4 32 30 62
Daniel Gross 3 / 3 33 30 63
Reed Johnson 1 / 1
Brian Merkley 1 / 1
Reid Swick 0 / 0
Joe Randall 0 / 0
Flight 2
Name Rounds F / B Front 9 Back 9 18
Mitch Lewis 8 / 7 22 23 45
Brett Polen 8 / 8 24 23 47
Brock Bowen 7 / 6 26 23 49
Dennis Mueller 6 / 5 27 22 49
Mark Persinger 7 / 7 26 27 53
Craig Verlinden 4 / 4 30 27 57
Mike McGurrin 7 / 3 27 30 57
Jacob Bresnahan 2 / 2 30 29 59
Sauro Dall’Aglio 0 / 0
Jim Price 1 / 1

Flight One

Front Nine Back Nine Eighteen
T-First M Stutzenberger $12.50 First M Stutzenberger $15 First M Stutzenberger $15
T-First J Schoening $12.50 Second J Schoening $10 Second J Schoening $10
Third J Whelan $5 Third J Whelan $5 Third J Whelan $5

Flight Two

Front Nine Back Nine Eighteen
First M Lewis $15 First D Mueller $15 First M Lewis $15
Second B Polen $10 T-Second M Lewis $5 Second B Polen $10
T-Third B Bowen $2.50 T-Second B Polen $5 T-Third B Bowen $2.5
T-Third M Persinger $2.50 T-Second B Bowen $5 T-Third D Mueller $2.50
Total Payout (Breakdown)
Matthew Stutzenberger $43 (12.50 + 15 + 15)
Mitch Lewis $35 (15 + 5 + 15)
Jeff Schoening $33 (12.50 + 10 + 10)
Brett Polen $25 (10 + 5 + 10)
Dennis Mueller $18 (15 + 2.50)
Jack Whelan $15 (5 + 5 + 5)
Brock Bowen $10 (2.50 + 5 + 2.50)
Mark Persinger $3 (2.50)

Sign up for the Fall Eclectic extended through August 21, competitions begins August 15. Fee is $10.

Flight One Scores

Flight Two Scores

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