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Orders of Merit

February 14, 2024

The club’s earliest extant money list is for 2003. Numbers after names are for book money winnings. In 2018, three leagues were created: Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday; each has an order of merit. “Sandbagger of the Year” is the player with the most winnings across all leagues. In 2022, the Thursday league was moved to Wednesday and tournament fees were collected, boosting the payouts. In 2023, a Friday league was tried.


2023            Sandbagger of the Year           Dan Fabela                     1,902.17

Saturday                        Tuesday                              Wednesday                Friday

Kyle Miller 964.17        Karl Meier 1,009               Jack Hartley 318       Robert Hogg 244.3


2022            Sandbagger of the Year           Jeff Schoening                1,569.50

Saturday                                Tuesday                                  Wednesday

Ryan Coghill 799.5              Jeff Schoening 943.5             Ryan Coghill 515


2021            Sandbagger of the Year           Jeff Schoening                1,706

Saturday                                Tuesday                                  Thursday

Reed Johnson 932.5              Doug Jones 903.75                Connelly Eseman 125


2020            Sandbagger of the Year           Jay Clark                        1,381

Saturday                                Tuesday                                  Thursday

Jay Clark 783                        Reed Johnson 717                 Dave Foreman 89


2019            Sandbagger of the Year           Jeff Schoening                1,335

Saturday                                Tuesday                                  Thursday

Mark Ohrenschall 862         Randy Olin 522                     McGhee Webster 53


2018            Sandbagger of the Year           Roger Brown                  1,197

Saturday                                Tuesday                                  Thursday

Brett Polen 716                      Doug Jones 649                     Rick Nelson 77


2017  Jeff Schoening                880              2010  Dan Puetz, Sr                 448

2016  Mark Ohrenschall         1,053           2009  Steve Monahan              487.5

2015  Mark Ohrenschall         750              2008  Nick Sena-Hopkins           495

2014  Jeff Schoening                856              2007 Dick Strout                     435

2013  Jeff Schoening                1,014           2006  Nick Sena-Hopkins           400

2012  Jeff Schoening                545              2005  Aaron Mackey               538.2

2011  Trevor Cameron            546              2004  Ron Logsdon                  405.2

                    2003            Chris DeGrazia              400

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