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Fall Field Day Results Saturday 10/17/2015

October 23, 2015

  We had a surprisingly beautiful day for the Fall Field Day. The rain held off until well after the tournament was over. Congratulations to Daniel Lee and Brian Blankenship, Low Gross (76) and Low Net (65) of Field, respectively. They had great rounds for the final major event of the year.
It was quite a return to Men’s Club tournament action for Daniel since the birth of his daughter in August. In the First Division, Mark Ohrenschall finished strong to win 1st Low Gross and Ken Elliott beat his handicap to win 1st Low Net, one stroke better than Reid Swick at 2nd Low Net. In the Second Division, Brian Kayler won 1st Low Gross and Lee Jones 1st Low Net, both just edging out John Byrd, who took 2nd Low Net. The competition was fierce as usual.
Special thanks to John Clements, who although not well enough to play, stayed at the course to see to the smooth running of the tournament.
  #7  No Winner                              0
#11  Mark Ohrenschall                8′ 5″
#13  Walt Dickhoff                       6′ 7″
Long Drive
Division 1 Doug Nugent
Division 2 Walt Dickhoff

Low Gross & Net of the Field

Player Hdcp. Gross Net $
1st Low Gross
 Daniel Lee 5 76 71 $125
1st Low Net
 Brian Blankenship 16 81 65 $125

The Field

1st Division hdcp.<12

Player Hdcp. Gross Net $
 1st Low Gross
 Mark Ohrenschall  5  78  73  $100
 1st Low Net
  Ken Elliott  12  81  69  $100
 2nd Low Net
 Reid Swick  10  80  70  $75
 3rd Low Net
  Don Harrell  11  82  71  $50
 4th Low Net
 Jeff Schoening  7  80  73  $25
 5th Low Net
 Jack Whelan  12  87  75  $15
 Larry Casey  9  86  77
 Doug Nugent  7  88  81
 Jimmy Bucher  12  90  78
 Jim Huckabay  11  85  74
 Mark Dickhoff  12  WD
 Sam Pauley  3  DNS

2nd Division hdcp. 13>

Player Hdcp. Gross Net $
1st Low Gross
 Brian Kayler  13  80  67  $100
 1st Low Net
 Lee Jones  18  85  67  $100
 2nd Low Net
 John Byrd  13  81  68  $75
 3rd Low Net
 Mike Mardesich  15  85  70  $50
 4th Low Net
 Walt Dickhoff  18  89  71  $25
 5th Low Net
 Carl LeBoa  13  85  72  $15
 Alun Jones  13  92  79
 Brett Polen  19  94  75
 Richard Lang  13  94  81
 Dennis Mueller  15  97  82
 Mike Sloane  27  112  85
 John Clements  13  WD

Fall Field Day
Total Players 24
Unique Players Paid 14
Pct. of Players Paid 58.33%
Player Entries Collected $480
Club Contribution $500
Club Percentage 51.02%
Total Payout $980

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