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Fall Eclectic – Final Results

January 13, 2017

Congratulations to Dennis Mueller and Brock Bowen for winning in their respective flights. Each first place finish is worth $12 and each second $6.

First Flight

Dennis Mueller won the front nine, back nine, and eighteen.

Jeff Schoening, Brett Polen, and Jack Whelan tied for second on the front nine.

Brett Polen took second on the back nine and eighteen.

Second Flight

Brock Bowen won the front nine, back nine, and eighteen.

Jim Price took second for front nine, back nine, and eighteen.


$36 Dennis Mueller

$36 Brock Bowen

$18 Jim Price

$14 Brett Polen

$2 Jeff Schoening

$2 Jack Whelan

2016 First Flight Final Results

2016 Second Flight Final Results

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