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Clyde Carlson Day and Annual Meeting / Banquet Results

January 31, 2017

On a sunny January afternoon, eighteen golfers joined in the nine-hole tournament. We had two flights and honey pots donated by Jackson Park Golf Course compliments of General Manager Kathy Wake. Low Gross of Field went to Mark Ohrenschall at even par and Low Net to Jimmy Bucher at three under.

Honey pots went to low net in each flight, KPs on #2 and #7, won by Dave Foreman and Travis Jones, respectively, skins, and a blind draw Best Ball Two-some. Clyde Carlson Tournament Leaderboard

After the golfing, at the meeting at Elliott Bay Brewery, elections were held. There being one person for each position, the slates of officers and trustees were elected by acclimation. Returning are President Jeff Schoening, Vice President Kyle Johnson, Secretary Mark Ohrenschall, Treasurer Dan Puetz, Sr, and Trustees Roger Brown and John Clements. Newly elected trustees are Nick Cail, Brian Merkley, and Mark Persinger. Greg Heim and Travis Brown, retiring Trustees, were thanked for their years of service.

We also have four Even-Year Trustees not up for election: Jason Hart, Tournament Director and Handicap Chairman, Jimmy Bucher, Lee Jones, and Reed Johnson.

At the meeting we heard reports from Jackson Park General Manager Kathy Wake and Maintenance Supervisor Bob Maddox. Alert: Be aware that thefts are taking place in the parking lot at Jackson Park. Interested in volunteering? Look for announcements of opportunities to volunteer at Jackson Park.

Brett Polen presented the new website with a simpler and cleaner design. Jason Hart announced the tournament schedule for 2017. Jeff Schoening announced plans to expand the weekday tournaments with the Men’s Club adding to the payouts for a couple of tournaments and to move from Monday mornings to Tuesday mornings.

With over thirty people in attendance, we enjoyed good food and company, a raffle and auction brilliantly organized by Lee Jones, and a slide show from the past year presented by Jimmy Bucher with an assist from Jeff Schoening.

Next up? Tip N Tuck as a 4-Man Scramble on Feb 18; time to renew your membership.

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