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A Change at the Top

March 23, 2015

Dear Members,

Due to overwhelming personal and professional obligations, Trevor Cameron is stepping down as Club President. With 2 young children, a new business venture, and other volunteer commitments, Trevor feels he just doesn’t have the time to continue as Club President. The following is an excerpt from his official letter of resignation.

“I have struggled with this decision and frankly am feeling extremely guilty for doing this but I have to resign my position as President effective immediately.  I wish there were more hours in the day but I feel like someone else would have more time and energy to focus on the men’s club now, and the club membership deserves it.  It is certainly due to two small boys in part but really has to do with the Arboretum.  I was elected to executive board last week and now begin a new journey.  Golf,  Plants,  Plants,  Golf,  my two favorite things after family but I have to choose plants this time.  I will probably not be playing much this year anyway and I feel strongly that we as trustees and especially officers should be participating.”

On Saturday 3/21 the Board of Trustees held an emergency meeting and unanimously appointed Club Treasurer Jeff Schoening as interim President.  Jeff has been a Board Member since 2012 and Club Treasurer since 2013. He is the 2013 Club Champion, as well as 2012, 2013, & 2014 leading money winner in the club. In 2014 he donated a large portion of his winnings back to the course to help with the purchase of the AED (portable defibrillator), and this year has graciously used his winnings to sponsor a new bracket in the Club Championship Net Division, The Schoening Division, for all who get knocked out in round one or the round of 32 if we have more than 32 entries (we’ll be sending out more details on this shortly).  Jeff is a great representative of our club, and we (The Board) feel fortunate and grateful that we have someone of Jeff’s caliber able and willing to take on the commitment of Club President!

Jeff Schoening

The Board also unanimously appointed Bob LeMaster as interim Treasurer, now that Jeff is interim President. Bob is a devoted Club member and Trustee, volunteering at the Junior Tournaments and representing the Club in the Seattle Cup. He is also a CPA.

Bob LeMaster
Bob LeMaster

We thank Trevor Cameron for his service to the Club! During his tenure as President, there were many changes. To name a few, the Club incorporated, took a new name, updated the website, increased the annual sum of tournament payouts, sought to distribute payouts equitably across the handicap range, and won the Seattle Cup! The result of his leadership and these changes is this year we are seeing a thirty-percent increase in tournament participation.

We welcome Jeff Schoening as President and Bob LeMaster as Treasurer of Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club.


Your Board of Directors

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