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March 6 Tip N Tuck 4-Man Scramble – Results

March 7, 2021

The results are in for yesterday’s Tip N Tuck 4-Man Scramble.

You can also find a link on the Tournaments page of the Men’s Club website.

The par 3 winners will be paid, but the amount does not show up on Golf Genius. Each flight will get paid $62.40, divided by four in the first and third flights (= $15.60 per player), and divided by eight in the second flight (= $7.80 per player) due to a tie. Golf Genius is not designed to have such par 3 (or par 4 or par 5) contests in a scramble so the money is not calculated as I intended. That is why no money payout is indicated on Golf Genius even though the winners will be paid.

92 people paid $10 each into the honey pots. Golf Genius shows $732.80 was paid in honey pots. Add the $187.20 for the par 3s and the sum is $920.

Next up is the Red-White-Blue ChaChaCha on March 20. Select your tee times now.

Tip N Tuck 4-Man Scramble Statistics

Total Players     104
Total Payouts    72
Pct. of Players Paid     69%
Player Entry Fees       $2,392 ($23/player)
Club Contribution     $848
Club Percentage     26%
Total Payout      $3,240
Honey Pot     $920

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