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WA Golf 2020 Club of the Year – Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club

November 16, 2020

Good news! Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club was selected 2020 Club of the Year by WA Golf.

The announcement was made at the WA Golf Annual Meeting on Nov 7 and is now posted on their website.

Here is the announcement: 2020 WA Golf Club of the Year

A big thank you:

  • to our members and board of trustees for their leadership and participation, making Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club a great club to be a member of
  • to the Jackson Park staff, supporting the Men’s Club in all its activities
  • to the maintenance staff, continuously working to improve the course

Here is the nomination entry, filed on Oct 15…

We nominate Jackson Park Men’s Golf Club for WA Golf Club of the Year

For holding over fifty tournaments this year consisting of:

· Nine weekend tournaments including a two-day in June

o   477 participants, 600 projected by season end

o   3 field days (avg. 70 players each) celebrating our 3 lifetime members

· Three match play championships with 71 players

· Twenty-three Tuesday morning 18-hole tournaments

o   447 participants, 477 projected by season end

· Seventeen Thursday evening 9-hole tournaments with 404 participants

For equitably distributing $27,977 to date in tournament payouts across the handicap range by emphasizing multi-flight events and more net than gross payouts

· $10,019 paid to low handicappers

· $8,740 to middle handicappers

· $9,218 to high handicappers

For seeing a 21% increase in tournament participation, projected to be a 35% increase by season end, despite no tournaments from March to early May and two fewer match play tournaments than usual

For a 33.47% increase in membership, from 244 to 327

For subscribing to Golf Genius Premium so members can do live scoring during a pandemic to stay safe and healthy. We have six Golf Genius administrators in our club.

For using Venmo for cash payouts, to keep members healthy and safe

For holding a third annual charity event, co-sponsored with Seattle Northeast Rotary, with $11,000 raised for Harvest Against Hunger, a 38-year-old non-profit providing fresh produce to food banks throughout the state via Northwest Harvest & Food Lifeline. Our effort provided 330,000 pounds, or approx. 8 semi-truck trailers full.

For organizing an annual Juniors tournament, open to all, ages 7 to 17, with photos of the participants distributed to their families – cancelled this year due to Covid-19.

For volunteer work parties for course maintenance including removing the lower branches of trees and filling divots

For a program of group outings to other golf courses such as Chambers Bay, The Home Course, Legion Memorial, Walter Hall, Bellevue, and Lynnwood. The White Horse outing in June was cancelled due to  Covid-19.

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