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Turkey Shoot Results

November 20, 2017

We had the good fortune of a beautiful day for golf in November. Congratulations to the winners of their flights, with gross going to guest Kethar Reddy (67) in the first flight, Jim Huckabay and Reed Johnson (80) in the second, and Don Harrell (76) in the third, and net going to Mark Ohrenschall (64) in the first, Mike Mardesich (66) in the second, and Mel Wattula (70) in the third.

Click Turkey Shoot Leaderboard to view full results.

All three match play championships are still being played. Once they are completed, tournament statistics will be updated to include them. The money winner list includes guaranteed match play purses and will be updated upon completion of all the championships.

The next tournament is on January 20th, a nine-hole stroke play event before the Annual Meeting and dinner at Elliott Bay Brewery on Lake City Way. Details and registration information to be announced.


Tournament Statistics

Total Players     33
Unique Players Paid     15
Pct. of Players Paid     45.45%
Player Entries Collected      $660
Club Contribution     $393
Club Percentage     37.32%
Total Payout      $1,053

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