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Turkey Shoot – Pace of Play Review and Statistics

November 16, 2019

Play was fast today. There were no slow groups. Here are the numbers:


Turkey Shoot 11/16/2019                
Group start time #10 gap at #10 Front Pace  #18 total time gap at #18 Back Pace theoretical penalty
1 – 8:30 8:29 10:22 NA 1:53 12:26 3:57 NA 2:04    
2 – 8:40 8:39 10:41 0:19 2:02 12:43 4:04 0:17 2:02    
3 – 8:50 8:49 10:50 0:09 2:01 12:50 4:01 0:07 2:00    
4 – 9:00 8:58 11:01 0:11 2:03 12:59 4:01 0:09 1:58    
5 – 9:10 9:07 11:11 0:10 2:04 13:10 4:03 0:11 1:59    
6 – 9:20 9:16 11:21 0:10 2:05 13:18 4:02 0:08 1:57    
7 – 9:30 9:27 11:30 0:09 2:03 13:27 4:00 0:09 1:57    
8 – 9:40 9:36 11:44 0:14 2:08 13:42 4:06 0:15 1:58    
9 – 9:50 9:47 11:51 0:07 2:04 13:48 4:01 0:06 1:57    
10 – 10:00 9:56 11:56 0:05 2:00 13:59 4:03 0:11 2:03    
11 – 10:10 10:04 12:02 0:06 1:58 14:08 4:04 0:09 2:06    
Averages —->   0:10 2:03   4:02 0:10 1:59    



The Turkey Shoot was the final tournament of the year. Click here to see the results: Tournament Results

Mark Ohrenschall is the #1 Money Winner in the Weekend and Match Play tournaments with $862.

Congratulations to Mark on an excellent year!

The 2019 Weekend and Match Play Money List and the 2019 Top Tens are attached.


Turkey Shoot

Tournament Statistics

Total Players     38
Unique Players Paid    22
Pct. of Players Paid     57.89%
Player Entries Collected      $950
Club Contribution     $490
Club Percentage     34.03%
Total Payout      $1,440

Honey Pot     $342



2019 Year End Statistics

Weekends and Match Play

Total Players     544
Unique Players Paid    287
Pct. of Players Paid     52.76%
Player Entries Collected      $13,813.52
Club Contribution     $5,557.48
Club Percentage     28.69%
Total Payout      $19,371

Honey Pot     $4,455



2019 Year End Final Results for

Combined Weekends & Match Play, Tuesdays and Thursdays

Total Players     1,085
Unique Player Payouts    571
Pct. of Players Paid     52.63%
Player Entries Collected      $18,582.84
Club Contribution     $8,041.16
Club Percentage     30.20%
Total Payout      $26,624

Honey Pot     $9,713




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