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Tuesday Tournaments Final Results – Money List & Statistics

October 27, 2020

The Tuesday tournaments finished today with Reed Johnson the lead money winner at $717. Congratulations, Reed!

Next was JR Osuga at $669, followed by Jeff Schoening at $634.

The Tuesday tournaments final money list is attached with a revised Thursday money list.

David Foreman was the Thursday lead money winner at $89. There were four players in the $70s:

Damon Fleming $76, Jay Clark $75, Dan Fabela $74, & Todd Matsunami $73.

Both Tuesday and Thursday tournaments showed significant growth over 2019.

Tuesday participation was up 54.34% with payouts increased 55.28%.

Thursday participation was up 75.65% with payouts increased 174.89%!!!

(The Thursday payout increase is in part due to no payouts at the beginning of the 2019 season until the budget was certain.)

Statistics for Tuesdays and Thursdays are final.

There is one more weekend tournament, the Nov 14 Turkey Shoot.

2020 Statistics Weekends & Tuesdays Thursdays Combined
Match Play
Total Entries 533 480 404 1417
Total Payouts 308 320 197 825
Pct. Of Players Paid 57.79% 66.67% 48.76% 58.22%
Player Purse Fee $13,392.5 $7,572 $0 $20,965
Club Contribution $5,792.5 $2,967 $1,281 $10,041
Club Percentage 30.19% 28.15% 100% 32.38%
Total Payout $19,185 $10,539 $1,281 $31,005
Honey Pot $4,029 $4,178 $2,609 $10,816
2019 Statistics Weekends & Tuesdays Thursdays Combined
Match Play
Total Entries 544 311 230 1085
Total Payouts 287 202 62 551
Pct. Of Players Paid 52.76% 64.95% 26.96% 50.78%
Player Purse Fee $13,813.5 $4,769 $0 $18,583
Club Contribution $5,557.5 $2,018 $466 $8,041
Club Percentage 28.69% 29.73% 100% 30.20%
Total Payout $19,371 $6,787 $466 $26,624
Honey Pot $4,455 $2,976 $2,282 $9,713

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