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Tuesday and Weekend Tournaments Registration Update

June 5, 2019

Beginning today, June 5, there is only online registration for Tuesday and Weekend tournaments.

There will be no forms in the pro shop to fill out for Tuesdays and Weekend tournaments.


The reasons for the change are most people use online registration and it provides a superior tracking system.

I am notified by email within two days of an online registration.

This way registration forms do not go missing.


The first exception is for players who use vouchers to sign up for tournaments.

They may still use their vouchers and pay $25 for Weekends and $15 for Tuesdays.

These players should send me an email notifying me that they have signed up using a voucher.

Volunteers and people working at Jackson Park get vouchers.

Second exception: If you realize after the online deadline that you want to play in a tournament, send me an email.

You may pay at the pro shop on the day of the tournament.

Late email registrants will not have first choice as to tee times and playing partners.

If the tee sheet is set, you may not get to play in the tournament.

It is best to sign up early.


Online registration ends on the prior Thursday night for Tuesday tournaments.


It ends the prior Tuesday night for Weekend tournaments.


Register for Men's Club Weekend Tournaments – Click Here


Register for weekly Tuesday Morning Tournaments – Click Here


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