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Money Lists, Leaders, and Tournament Statistics through September

October 1, 2020

Money List Leaders after September

Weekend — Jay Clark $398; Tuesdays — Yasuhisa “JR” Osuga $624; Thursdays (Final) — David Foreman $89

Attached are the complete lists.



Fall Field Day celebrating Lifetime Member Dan Puetz Sr is on October 3.

The originally planned Tombstone cannot be played due to the use of individual flags.

It is being replaced with a Stableford on October 24 Weekend Registration

Field Day is on October 13 TU Registrations

Thursday evening tournaments have concluded for 2020.


Tournament Statistics

      Weekends &   Tuesdays   Thursdays   Combined
      Match Play Estimates            
Total Entries   401   434   404   1239
Total Payouts   225   288   197   710
Pct. Of Players Paid   56.11%   66.36%   48.76%   57.30%
Player Purse Fee   $10,357   $6,836   $0   $17,193
Club Contribution   $4,438   $2,653   $1,281   $8,372
Club Percentage   30.00%   27.96%   100%   32.75%
Total Payout   $14,795   $9,489   $1,281   $25,565
Honey Pot     $3,021   $3,740   $2,609   $9,370

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