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Men’s Club News – May 24

May 25, 2021

May 22 Two-Man Best Ball

There were 100 players in the Two-Man Best Ball on Saturday. Of the five flights, three had ties for first place. Congratulations to all the champions! View the results on the Golf Genius app or here: Weekend tournament results
Next up on weekends is the Two-Day Jackson Park Classic, on June 26-27.

Tournament Statistics

“Weekends and Match Play” include the projected payouts for the five match play tournaments.

Weekends and Match Play

Total Entries     578
Total Payouts    294
Pct. of Players Paid     51%
Player Entry Fees       $12,997
Club Contribution     $4,481
Club Percentage     26%

Total Payout      $17,478
Honey Pot     $2,589

May 22 Two-Man Best Ball

Total Entries     100
Total Payouts    64
Pct. of Players Paid     64%
Player Entry Fees       $2,400
Club Contribution     $750
Club Percentage     24%
Total Payout      $3,150
Honey Pot     $780

2020 Weekend and Match Play Turnout Surpassed

In 2020, Total Entries were 571 for the entire year. We have already passed that mark with 578 and there are six more tournaments to be played. The extra 90 players in match play this year helped, going from 72 in 2020 to 162 this year. Will we pass 1,000 before the year is over?

Membership Exceeds 400

For the first time in many a year, membership exceeds 400. This fact, no doubt, contributes to the increased turnout at tournaments. Last year we had 324 members and 245 in 2019. We currently have 406 407 and counting.

Pace of Play

For the second tournament in a row, the pace was slow by the end of the day and the tee times were going off nearly a half hour late at the end of the tee sheet. Seems the punch clock is needed, as well as the return of pace of play penalties. The rules will be explained before the Two-Day Jackson Park Classic.

Notable Achievements

Dave Foreman and Mark Ohrenschall won their gross flight at the Senior Men’s Four-Ball on May 13-14 at Desert Canyon GR, sponsored by WA Golf: Final Results


Tim Rowe, April 9, Jackson Park #2

Ryan Coghill, April 18, Nile #9

Michael Bernard, May 16, Jackson Park #2

Jay Clark, May 17, Gold Mountain – Olympic Course #12

Please let me know if you have a hole-in-one and inform the pro shop, too.

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