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February 22 — Tip N Tuck 4-Man Scramble — Results, Pace of Play & Statistics

February 24, 2020

Fantastic turnout for February with 52 players.

Course is in good shape, playing long, and the weather was dry and fairly comfortable.

The money list for the season is attached.

Congratulations to the winners:

Flight One – Mark Gegax, Jonny Jonson, Patrick Hill, and Ryne Pringle

Flight Two – Rick Nelson, McGhee Webster, Mike McGurrin, and Paul Pearman

For the complete results and to see what is coming next, click on this link:

Tournament Results and Teesheets Weekend

Next up is the Red-White-Blue on March 21. To sign up, Click Here

Pace of Play

There were no penalties. The 9:50 group flirted with a penalty, coming in just under 4.5 hours. A number of groups lagged behind the groups ahead of them. Still, the average time was 4 hours and 12 minutes. Not bad when carts aren’t allowed off the paths.

Group start time #10 (gap) gap at #10 Front Pace #18 total time gap at #18 Back Pace
1 – 8:00 7:57 9:54 NA 1:57 11:45 3:48 NA 1:51
2 – 8:10 8:05 10:00 0:06 1:55 11:59 3:54 0:14 1:59
3 – 8:20 8:19 10:21 0:21 2:02 12:28 4:09 0:29 2:07
4 – 8:30 8:29 10:35 0:14 2:06 12:33 4:04 0:05 1:58
5 – 8:40 8:40 10:48 0:13 2:08 12:45 4:05 0:12 1:57
6 – 8:50 8:48 10:55 0:07 2:07 13:01 4:13 0:16 2:06
7 – 9:00 8:59 11:07 0:12 2:08 13:18 4:19 0:17 2:11
8 – 9:10 9:08 11:17 0:10 2:09 13:21 4:13 0:03 2:04
9 – 9:20 9:18 11:32 0:15 2:14 13:41 4:23 0:20 2:09
10 – 9:30 9:27 11:41 0:09 2:14 13:51 4:24 0:10 2:10
11 – 9:40 9:35 11:50 0:09 2:15 13:59 4:24 0:08 2:09
12 – 9:50 9:43 12:00 0:19 2:17 14:12 4:29 0:21 2:12
13 -10:00 9:57 12:11 0:11 2:14 14:20 4:23 0:08 2:09
4:12 0:13


Total Entries     52
Total Payouts    32
Pct. of Players Paid     61.54%
Player Entries Collected      $1,300
Club Contribution     $544
Club Percentage     29.50%
Total Payout      $1,844

Honey Pot     $528



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