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2021 Tournament Champions & Top Twenties for All 63 Tournaments

November 19, 2021

Here is a summary of the top performances in the Weekend League and Match Play tournaments this year: 2021 Tournament Champions. The Major Champions and the top performers in the Clyde Carlson Winterfest are all commemorated with plaques or trophies that are kept in the pro shop. The Tuesday League also has a plaque commemorating its Two-Day Champions.

Two-time major winners this year are Ryan Gutierrez, Mark Ohrenschall, and Reed Johnson. Congratulations on your outstanding play!

Top Twenties for All 63 Tournaments

The number of members who played in tournaments is 239. The medians for number of tournaments played is 6, for total points $85, for total purse $20, and for total purse and points is $115.

The tournament directors did well this year. If you are interested in becoming a tournament director, please let me know.

The Top Twenties are dominated by players who participated in “Weekends and Match Play” and in the Tuesday League. The obvious reason is these tournaments had ample payouts. The Thursday League had minimal points payouts.

To break that down some more, below are the averages for each league. In 2022, we plan to move from Thursday evening to Wednesday evening and have a tournament fee of about $6 or $7 so the average pay / player will be about $9 or $10.

Averages Pay / Player Tournament Fee Club Share
Weekend and Match Play $34.26 $24.09 $10.17
Tuesdays $21.92 $15.82 $6.10
Thursdays $2.71 $0.00 $2.71

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